My research first started out with buying a vintage garment from a charity shop. I chose a simple fitted floral dress, i did this beacuse i wanted to use two different garments to mix in different aspects and details on each. i also used an old vintage tailored waistcoat.
Fitted floral dress
Aspects to focus on are the princess darts, shape and floral fabric.
Tilored vintage waistcoat
Aspects to focus on is the shape, style, bound pocket and vintage fabric.
Researching into embroidery
My vintage floral dress inspired me to add a floral motif to my garment I will be making. I enjoy machine embroidery but wanted a professional finish towards it, I researched into floral designs.

Samples of my own embroidery
Machine embroidery and hand embellished samples.
I then went onto designing my dress i wanted to make it simple with a vintage twist, so i added a peter pan collar, pleats, embroidery, bound buttonholes and a lovely floral and pink cotton with a dark green lining. i first made my toile which i was pleased with after making a few alterations.
My toile
I then went onto making the final dress with my fabric. I knew it may be more of a challenge as to adding the lining which i did not do on my toile. Overall i was pleased with the result especially the maching embroidered pocket and peter pan collar. I feel i let my self down on the bound button holes as they could have been more neater and even.
Technical package
I feel i learnt alot of new skills due to the technical package such as, more illustrator skills, how to actually set out a technical package including measurments, layplans and final designs. I throughly enjoyed this as i didnt find it time consuming due to time management.
Overall i throughly enjoyed this project and use what i have learnt throughout the rest of my university life and future.