Sunday, 14 November 2010

Tailoring practices

Hereos and Heroines
For a starting point for this project i first visited the 'heroes and heroines' museum at the nation art gallery in Leeds. I found this useful looking at the darts, seams, pockets and buttonholes on all the garments which was a good starting point for my shop report. I drew a few sketches of the garments i found most intriguing.
Photographs from 'Heroes and Heroines'

I then went onto visiting the Yorkshire Playhouse in Leeds. I found all the costmes fastioning to look at, it was also a great help to see where darts, seams, buttonholes and pockets go. It showed me a range of different unusual ideas which was a great starting point to design some of my own jackets.
The Playhouse

Dressing up

I then went onto working in the studio produceing different styles of bound buttonholes, shoulder pads, hems and collar and reveres. I found the collar and revere the hardest part as to where to sew which part together. Once i got my head round this it was easier to create my innovative pattern.
I made innovative, sleeves, shoulder pads, buttonholes and hems which were easy to understand. I feel i have learnt an awful lot of new skills to do with technical techneiques.
Pictures of my innivative samples

I feel that throughout this project I have learnt an awful lot of new technical skills such as; how to sew a collar and revere together, different buttonholes, hems, stitches and different styles of tailored jackets.
Throughout my research I have considered pockets, collars and reveres, buttonholes, darts, hems, seams, sleeves and shoulder pads, this has made me realise how many different styles and shapes can be created by changing the pattern.
My favourite part of this project was the research as I thoroughly enjoyed visiting the heroes and heroines museum and The Playhouse as I got to look at a wide range of costumes and tailored outfits from different periods. This helped me in the long run with my research as it gave me a clearer view of what tailoring involves. It also helped me with my drawing skills and getting working drawings correct E: G stitches and darts in the correct position etc.
My least favourite part of the project was the last sample sewing the collar and revere together as I found it was the most hardest and most confusing part to understand. I attempted to make my own version but I feel this is my weakest point and need to improve in my private study time. I also feel that I need to consume my time more positively and do a bit of work each night rather than leaving it till the last week.
I feel the new skills I have learnt will come in extremely useful for future projects, for my own good such as pattern cutting and sewing skills.
As this was my first attempt of tailoring I have a wider range of what it involves and how to go about it.
I f I were to do this project again I would try out a wider range of hems and buttonholes considering different shapes and sizes. I would also make more innovative sleeves, shoulders, shoulder pads and collar and reveres. This would increase my knowledge of pattern skills and altering patterns.
My design package shows designs that reflect my personality, as I would probably wear most of my designs. For my final design I have taken all my innovative samples and put them on one jacket. I have made samples for this. I am pleased with the final result.
Overall I feel I could improve on some areas of my technical file and add more innovative ideas. I am pleased with my research, design package and shop report. I have thoroughly enjoyed this project and will take the skills I have learnt to use in the future. I shall also keep my technical file forever, as it is a big part in development as more samples of new skills can be added to it throughout my degree. I would also like to make a full tailored jacket in my private study while it is fresh in my mind.

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